After spending a lovely few days in the South of France, Jerry and I caught a train and headed north back to Paris. We walked...everywhere. Next time, we will definitely learn how to work the public transportation. Advice for the future: just because you can see the Eiffel Tower does NOT mean it's in walking distance. However, it's extraordinarily pleasant to just stroll the neighborhoods, people watch, & eat a hot, fresh baguette along the way.
Jerry & I happened upon the Arc de Triomphe during a parade, so naturally, I had to recreate my Tia Lauri's "spinning in the streets" photograph since all the streets were closed. This is the only time there were not a ton of small euro cars fighting their way around this massive traffic circle.
I loved all the biking throughout the city! I especially loved how everyone could bike, text, AND fight traffic!
I love this simple shot of the cream Alfa Romeo on the street corner! I wish this was a daily site here in the States--reminds me of the decades I wish I grew up in!
Beautiful Brasserie a few street blocks away from the Arc de Triomphe. Ate some escargot, soup, & drank some delicious french wine. Needless to say, I easily gained 15 pounds in France but it was so worth it!
I love the detail of the Eiffel Tower!
A weary walker stops for a sit on the Pont des Arts.
Jerry & I couldn't find a lock to purchase, but the love letters were heartfelt & endless.
I loved this grassy park along the Seine, where bikers cycled by, dogs played fetch, & teenagers escaped their parents. Also, the Eiffel Tower at night is such a magical view, & honestly, no picture does it justice!
The last black & white film installment of "France, a one-week love affair" should be up in the next few days! Until then, au revior!