Monday and Tuesday in NYC were busy but incredible days full of meetings. I know, right, meetings sounds so exciting. However, these were with some of the most phenomenal food photographers in the industry like Andrew Scrivani, Michael Harlan Turkell, and Eric Isaac. I got to talk shop with these guys, get in on more industry secrets, and put my name out there for networking. I've been traveling down a rabbit hole, from one photographer to the next throughout NYC and now RDU. It's comforting to know that I'm hopefully putting my foot in the door and something tells me I'm starting to do all the right things.
If there is any lesson I've forced myself to learn over the last few years is to just ask people to meet and start building your community. The worst that could happen is the word "no." Honestly, the word "no" is too measly to spend anytime worrying over. You pick yourself up, brush off your knees, let "Wipe Out" play in your brain (this was the song my parents would play when we fell over as kids), and move on to the next task on your list. But just like I tell my students, "People aren't mind readers. Don't be afraid to ask for help." And when you do that, absorb E V E R Y T H I N G you hear: portfolio tips, names, contact info, possible story leads, personal projects, how to own your style and your work, business tips, etc. etc. etc. People are genuine and very generous, especially in this community. Again, I can't thank these individuals enough for their time, respect, and invaluable knowledge they've bestowed on me.
P.S. This has been the best rabbit hole ever.