When Philip + Danielle contacted me about doing their wedding photos, I squealed with excitement! Philip and I were friends back in high school, where we spent days convincing our AP European History teacher to let us watch any movie that had to do with Europe and play Risk, along with surviving many other "challenges" of high school. I was so happy for him when we went to N.C. State and even happier that he met this awesome lady, Danielle while he was there! When I say that I couldn't think of any other people who were absolutely perfect for each other, I truly mean it. Philip is a Ph. D candidate in the College of Veterinary Medicine at State and Danielle is a veterinary medicine student and a Ph. D candidate. They just get each other. Their love for each other is huge! They laugh at each other and themselves and are all about caring for animals in such a very intellectual way. Phil proposed to Danielle late this summer while she was at school. A good friend convinced her that there was a sick goat out in the field by a big tree that needed attention quickly. Little did she know, the sick goat was Philip. Philip took a knee and Danielle's breath away in one fell swoop while she was decked out in her mud boots and overalls. It was a total surprise, which always makes for the best proposal!
We met out at their wedding venue in Burlington, Starlight Meadows, to have a rustic and casual session. This new venue is awesome and is going to be so beautiful on an early October evening! We played and danced in the meadow with their sweet boy, Finley, laughed at all the things, and had such a great time. These two even cracked jokes the whole day about some pretty gross cow facts (I'll spare you the details but I quite enjoyed them myself!), in addition to owning all awkwardness and quoting YouTube videos. They are an adventurous couple who know how to have some serious fun and are dream clients!
Philip + Danielle, you two are just so perfect for one another. It brings butterflies to my stomach when I see how much love there is beaming out of y'all. Thank you for the great session and I cannot wait for the big day to get here!