Jerry's White Coat Ceremony

whitecoat dip3 Well, let's just say I couldn't be more proud of my husband! Many hours of studying, stress, and prayers have gone into this jacket and he completely deserves it! The White Coat symbolizes the transition of pre-clinical studies to clinical studies (Yes, he will have patients in a month! Eek! ) and to serve as a humbling reminder that he & his classmates are responsible for the oral health of North Carolina & beyond. This milestone means he can start earning the trust of patients as he takes care of their pearly whites! I couldn't be more thankful to have such a determined, smart, and ambitious partner in crime! Here's to 3 more years of friends, family, hours of studying, & teeth!



So many pictures were taken of these UNC Dental kids!


That's one proud Momma...


...and Dad!


Instagramming that white coat!


whitecoat dip2

Great friends help the world go 'round!


I love you & I'm so proud of you! :)

france, a one-week love affair (pt. 3)

I'm so sad because this is the last film installment of Jerry & I's journey through France (visit part 1 & part 2 and be on the lookout for some digital & instax blogs). Oh, how I love black & white film so much. These shots come from our rainy day walk throughout Paris & our view of Charles de Gaulle airport the night before we left. There is something magical about airports, the lights, the coming & going. Let's just say...I can't wait to go back.

France 2012 film

Love this boy!

France 2012 film


France 2012 film

France 2012 film

France 2012 film

France 2012 film

Oh, Laudree is heaven for any sweet lover. Best pastries we had the whole trip, and I ate every pastry in all of France.

France 2012 film

Caramel with salted butter, Raspberry, Brazil Pure Origin Chocolate...heaven. Pure heaven.

France 2012 film

Jerry dropped a piece of this on the sidewalk. He picked it back up & ate it because it was too good to go to the pigeons.


France 2012 film

You know me, I've got to have my coffee...all day, everyday.

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It was a blustery day at the Lourve.

France 2012 film

France 2012 film

Our instax travels!

France 2012 film

Airplanes coming in to land.

France 2012 film

Always after that European chocolate!

France 2012 film

The digital & instant film part of "France, a one-week love affair" will continue! Keep an eye out for them!